Whereas, in this false individuality there must be death, there must be continual inquiry whether I shall live or shall not live. 然而,在错误的个体里,必然会有死亡,必然会不停地询问我是否将生存下去。
As the American Jewish writer, Singer experienced death in World War II, the profound reflection and the inquiry on death become his looming potential theme in his works. 辛格作为美国犹太裔作家,经历了二战中死亡的洗礼,对死亡的深刻反思以及对死亡的探究成为他的作品中的潜在主题。
Her reclusive life, highly original poetic strategy, striking themes about love and death and large amount of nature poems are obtaining vigorous scholarly inquiry and public interest. 她隐遁的一生、独具特色的诗歌技巧、关于生死惊人的主题以及大量的自然诗都吸引着无数学者和大众的目光。
Life consciousness is about the survival of each individual life, self-consciousness of life, death, conscious of the significance of existence and value of the inquiry and thinking, including the survival of consciousness, death consciousness, safety consciousness and so on. 生命意识是每个生命个体对自我的生存、死亡、存在的意义和价值所作的自觉探询和思考,其中包括生存意识、死亡意识、安全意识等等。